My church uses 4 hymns in each service (in addition to service music, and two communion hymns), but some weeks will list additional hymns that would be appropriate for the occasion.
Trinity Sunday:
362 Holy, Holy, Holy
397 Now Thank We All Our God
365 Come, Thou Almighty King
366 Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
370 St. Patrick's Breastplate (I Bind Unto Myself Today)
296 We Know That Christ is Raised and Dies No More
(a nice one if you have a baptism on Trinity Sunday!)
1st Sunday after Trinity or Trinity I:
410 Praise My Soul, The King of Heaven
376 Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
379 God Is Love
657 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
If your hymnal has "O The Deep, Deep Love of Jesus," this would also be a good Sunday to use it, since these scripture passages have a strong emphasis on God's love!
Trinity II:
414 God, My King, Thy Might Confessing
699 Jesus, Lover of My Soul
397 Now Thank We All Our God
665 All My Hope on God Is Founded
(a hymn new to me upon my joining the Anglican church. It is excellent!)
Trinity III:
518 Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation
525 The Church's One Foundation
645 The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Psalm 23)
527 Singing Songs of Expectation
Trinity IV:
535 Ye Servants of God
401 The God of Abraham Praise
(especially good if your Old Testament passage is the selection from Genesis 12, and you can sing this right after the reading as a response)
404 We Will Extol You, Ever-Blessed Lord
390 Praise to the Lord
What is YOUR church singing this week?
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