Monday, March 28, 2011

A Starting Point

Each person has a unique calling from God. Some are called to ministry in a small church. Small churches bring different blessings and challenges from those of larger churches. I hope this blog will be a place to share ideas and solutions for handling the responsibility that's just as large, no matter the number of worshipers who come to your church every week.

Some helpful hints to keep in mind when preparing each Sunday's music:
  1. Introduce new hymns or songs one at a time, and make sure your congregation is familiar with the other music in the service.
  2. Select music that fits well with the sermon (how do you do that? We'll talk about it in the next post).
  3. Worship should be God-centered, not man-centered. Both the music you select and your attitude about it should reflect that. You are assisting the congregation in the worship of God, not showing off.
  4. Try to include a Psalm often. The original songs of the faith give us an example to follow in the songs we write now. If your church does not use a separate psalter, hymnals are full of psalm arrangements. A great place to start would be the versions of Isaac Watts.

    Remember: you have an important job. Take it seriously, and also enjoy it! Being a worship leader (even if it just means you are the only one who plays the piano) is a great responsibility, and a great blessing!

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